As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. – Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV)
In a time of social and civil unrest and fragmented emotions, the Nehemiah Project International and the Nehemiah E-Community is building alliances, nurturing relationships, and delivering long-term solutions. And your support helps make it possible!

The short- and long-term goals of our Urban Impact Movement are powerful as we build Kingdom businesses in urban communities. Currently, we are working to:
- Recruit 2000 urban entrepreneurs on the E-Community platform
- Train 450 individuals and entrepreneurs in Identity and Destiny and Biblical Entrepreneurship
- Provide ongoing coaching for 72 urban entrepreneurs
- Open 5 E-Community Centers in Urban Communities
- Raise $490K in scholarships to make training and coaching accessible and affordable to urban entrepreneurs
And as our Urban Impact Movement unfolds in places where people work, engage and fellowship, it is also unfolding on golf courses and driving ranges in multiple U.S.cities.
Rev. Charles G. Kearse, MBA, is our Director of the Urban Impact Movement. Among the many hats Charles wears at Nehemiah E-Community, his favorite is his golf cap.
For each of the past 20 years, Charles has mentored and coached roughly- 100 urban children or teens using the game of golf as his tool for engagement. By exposing youth from underserved communities to the discipline, joy, and opportunity of the game, Charles has imparted life skills, leadership, and the seeds of entrepreneurial development to children who might otherwise have never had this experience.
Partnering with First Tee programs in Massachusetts, Central Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, Charles has played an integral role in helping over 500 teens achieve their dreams of college graduation, career establishment, business ownership, and community development. With Charles’ history, it is only natural that our Golf for Change initiative has become an important part of our Urban Impact movement.
If you golf, you know the tradition, integrity, and personal challenge of the game. You have also likely had firsthand experience with career and development opportunities that took root on the back nine of your favorite course.
Charles explains, “We are growing Golf for Change into a national and international force to produce positive changes in society as we build strong, productive relationships. We are putting golf in people’s toolboxes, empowering underserved communities with opportunities and dynamic social capital.”
Here are only a few of the formats Golf for Change is taking:
- Partnerships with the global sports entertainment company, TopGolf to raise funds and awareness for Golf for Change
- Sponsorships for young golfers in underserved communities to travel and play competitively in American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) and other high-level junior tournament events
- Entrepreneurial awareness and training for careers in turf management, golf instruction, pro shop services, marketing, facilities management, and other related aspects of the game
- Golf programs for urban youth, urban entrepreneurs, veterans, and ultimately youth in rural communities, to help them as they develop the critical problem-solving skills inherent in golf and concurrently experience the value of building and growing relationships
- High-visibility exposure linked with all the events that will lead up to and be part of the 2022 Presidents Cup, which will be held in Charlotte, including partnering with NASCAR, also based in Charlotte
Click on the buttons below to sponsor a job, or an entrepreneur, or increase or change your monthly contribution:
You Make Change Possible
We wish you, our donors, could be in our shoes, on our Zoom calls, and at every one of our meetings for just one week. We know you would walk away amazed, inspired and even a little breathless as you saw the scope of the Nehemiah E-Community outreach.
Your support facilitates Golf for Change and other strategic solutions for many types of problems in communities around the globe. Thanks to you, we don’t put band-aids on problems… we are effecting beneficial, long-term healing, growth, and change.
Iron truly does sharpen iron …and sometimes that even takes the form of an 8-iron used to land a ball softly on the green, inches from the hole.
Please prayerfully consider helping us fortify our efforts and grow Golf for Change, the Urban Impact Movement, and other transformational programs of the Nehemiah E-Community.
Thank you for entrusting us to carry out this work, Patrice Tsague, Chief Servant Officer
P.S. As you make your year-end giving plans, please remember that the impact of your generosity is multiplied globally through the work of Nehemiah E-Community. Your support is a powerful changemaker at a critical time