Analyzing Your Financial Statements
Biblical Entrepreneurs are called to be good stewards over the business the Lord has entrusted to them. One of the ways to exercise good stewardship is to do regular financial reviews of the business by conducting monthly and quarterly financial analysis.
Financial analysis is the process of evaluating the business finances to determine the viability/capability of the business and make comparisons between one period to another. It is used to evaluate economic trends, set financial policy, build long-term plans and set benchmarks.
One of the common ways to analyze financial data is to calculate ratios from the data comparing against those of other companies, or against the company’s own historical performance. Financial analysis is typically done using the company’s financial statements. Financial statements are a collection of reports about an organization’s financial condition at a given period.
In this seminar you will learn:
- The importance of analyzing your financial statements
- How to analyze your financial statements
- Case studies on analyzing financial statements
Patrice Tsague
Founder and Trainer of Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
PATRICE TSAGUE is a pastor, business trainer, entrepreneur, international speaker, best-selling author, and kingdom business coach. Patrice has trained and coached over 15,000 individuals around the world on how to start or expand their businesses using business training and coaching principles found in the Bible. Through his training and coaching system, his clients have raised millions of dollars in funding capital, generated a combined income of over $100 million dollars, and created thousands of jobs.
Patrice is the author of several books and training curricula including Biblical Entrepreneurship, which has an adult and youth version, Nothing but a Jar of Oil, The Passive Income Continuum, The Buck Stops with You, and many more. He also publishes a weekly e-devotional, blog, radio inspirational moment, and podcast for entrepreneurs and business executives that is distributed to over 100K individuals globally.