NOTHING BUT A JAR OF OIL SELF-PACED - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community Northwest Center


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“So Elisha said to her, ‘What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?’ And she said, ‘Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil.’” – 2 Kings 4:2

Passive income begins with a debt-free life and a habit of saving money. We are currently in the midst of a financial crisis that includes issues such as bankruptcy, foreclosure, and heavy credit card debt. Unfortunately, Christians have not shown much immunity from such ills even though the Bible provides clear models and instructions for financial victory. Too often we ask God for a miracle in our finances before we have shown ourselves faithful to follow His Word. There are countless books with formulas on how we can “get” God to move financially on our behalf, but they sadly often neglect the biblical principles for creating and stewarding wealth

Tucked away in 2 Kings 4, we find the story of a widow who obtained the miracle so many of us desire. She went from poverty to prosperity in a very short period, and her miracle was preceded by remarkable obedience. In this self-paced course, we will help you begin your passive income journey by helping you understand the spiritual and natural principles that lay the foundation for the supernatural intervention of God in your finances.

Too many Christians have defined financial victory as the capacity for unlimited material consumption – you have “made it” when you can buy any car, house, or gadget you want. This is not what the Bible teaches when it comes to monetary success. In this course, we do not characterize financial victory by the size of the bank account but by the state of one’s heart. You only truly achieve financial victory when you can provide for your household with contentment, give to those in need, and support the Great Commission.

By the end of the course you will be able to:
– Leverage your assets to increase your income
– Know the difference between borrowing for production versus borrowing for consumption
– Build a team to achieve your financial goals
– Block out distractions and focus on achieving your financial goals
– Trust God to supernaturally multiply your assets to realize your financial goals
– Sell your products and services for profit to realize your financial goals
– Pay your debt and provide for your family

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