You Belong - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

You Belong

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We have all learned about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, with the third tier representing the Social Need, which encompasses the desire to belong, feel loved, and be part of a family. As Psychology Today aptly states, humans are inherently social creatures. Beyond superficial connections with peers, co-workers, acquaintances, or even Facebook “friends,” most of us yearn for deep and intimate connections.

To belong is to find your place within a community where you are cherished, esteemed, and valued. It’s a space where you share common values, a unified vision, and opportunities to contribute.

There are numerous avenues offering opportunities for belonging, such as social media groups, your local church, industry associations, and more. Hence, we are truly honored that you’ve chosen the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community as one of the places where you belong.

If you are not yet an E-Community Member, click on the button below:


To express our profound appreciation for your choice to be a part of our community, we’ve dedicated the entire month of November to celebrating you. Yes, for this entire month, our focus is on demonstrating how much we value you:

We value your vision
We value your contributions
We value your ideas
We value your businesses
We value your journey and the stories you carry
We value your needs
We value your aspirations

Members Month Banner - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Over the next four weeks, you’ll receive various updates about opportunities to connect with fellow members, share your story, and explore ways we can support your journey as we approach the end of 2023 and look ahead to 2024.

To receive more information about Members Month, how you can save on membership, and win prizes, subscribe to our Members Month Newsletter by clicking the button below:

We’ll also provide opportunities for you to save on membership upgrades through our special Members Month discounts. If you’re not yet a member, this is an excellent time to consider joining our community.

Thank you for choosing to belong to the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community. We hope to continue to be a safe place where Christian Entrepreneurs from all over the world find a supportive network of Kingdom business trainers, coaches, and mentors, as well as business support services, to grow their businesses. Our community includes an ecosystem of like-minded, shared-value entrepreneurs who are committed to building Kingdom businesses globally.

To learn more about becoming a member or upgrading your membership, click on the button below:

For more great articles that provide you with insights to help you with your entrepreneurship journey from discovery to succession, click HERE to view the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community’s library of Kingdom Business Leaders Resources.

Interested to know more about upcoming events and educational opportunities offered by the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community? Click HERE!

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