Step #2: Be Prepared For The Trials And Tests In The Marketplace
Hebrews 4:11 is a key scripture for the Kingdom Entrepreneur. At first glance, it seems like a contradiction: “Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest.” How is it possible to labour in order to rest? Are not labour and rest the opposite of each other?
Here is what the biblically-minded business owner must understand: because trials and tests are endemic to the path that God has placed them on, the struggle is not so much to overcome the trial as it is to enter the rest that God has promised and provided. The goal is peace and with peace comes direction, insight, and deliverance.
So how do you enter that rest?
- Deal with the lies that are attacking your mind. Worry is the enemy of peace. Trials and tests press us to worry. Write down what you are worrying about and the lies associated with it. Right next to it, write the truth that comes from God’s Word. For example, have you ever heard in your mind, “You’re going to fail and lose everything!”? If you accept that as the truth, you will have no peace. What is God’s truth? “I will supply all your needs and I have a great storehouse of riches.” Peace comes from believing the truth, God’s truth, over the lies.
- Don’t give up trying. Hebrews makes it clear–it is a struggle, a “labour” at times, to live in peace. Our minds want to keep returning to our worries and trials and we have to work to keep redirecting them.
- Don’t do it alone. The Word reminds us in Hebrews 12: “keep your eyes on Jesus”. He went through more trials and testing than we ever will and He is there to walk with you through it. In the midst of our struggle for peace, keep your eyes on Jesus and stay close to Him. Besides that, we are supposed to “bear one another’s burdens.” When we face trials and tests, look to see who God has given to you to bear your burden with you. Peace is best found with support from others–don’t be afraid to ask for it.
- Never forget why. WHY did God call you to do what you are doing? Never forget that “why.” I met an albino gentleman yesterday. His big why was that children with albinism were being mercilessly persecuted in Tanzania, literally killed by witch doctors because of their skin color. He knew that he needed to do something about it. Raising the money he needed was hard, the travel was a trial, people in the country opposed him but he know how much those kids needed help. God had called him to be that helper. It was this man’s vision, purpose, and his WHY that gave him peace in the midst of the storm.

“In this world you will have trouble,” the Bible actually promises it. Do these things and find your peace in the middle of the spiritual battle and win by resting in His peace.
– posted by: Randall Sanford