Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center Highlight - Give the Gift of Business - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center Highlight – Give the Gift of Business

As an organization, Nehemiah Project International Ministries (NPIM) has been giving the gift of business globally for the last 20 years by investing over 2 million dollars into businesses and training over 20 thousand entrepreneurs and 2 thousand coaches in over 38 countries globally. As our organization grows and evolves, our hope is that our impact will do the same!

NPIM’s 10-year goal is to train 300,000 entrepreneurs, build 200,000 businesses, and create 100,00 jobs. This goal can only be made possible with your help! This week we would like to specifically highlight our Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center and its Center Director, Patrice Tsague!


Click HERE to Find out more about Give the Gift of Business

Click HERE to Give the Gift of Business to the Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center

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Patrice is a Christian business trainer, entrepreneur, international speaker, preacher, author, and business coach. Together with his wife, Gina Tsague, Patrice co-founded Nehemiah Project International Ministries, where he now serves as Chief Servant Officer. He is also the Center Director of the Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center!

Patrice specializes in helping families incorporate their faith into their business practices, ensuring that their businesses are able to exist beyond the third generation. Patrice has trained and coached over 15,000 individuals on how to start or expand their businesses using business training and coaching principles found in the Bible.

In 2023, the Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center looks to continue to champion NPIM’s vision to transform the marketplace with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, one entrepreneur at a time. The ultimate goal is to create a community of Kingdom business stewards that provide God-honoring products and services in a God-honoring way and are contributing to fulfilling the Great Commission.

Click HERE to Find out more about Give the Gift of Business

Click HERE to Give the Gift of Business to the Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center

You can help Patrice and the Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center achieve their mission by partnering with them to give the gift of business! You can make a full, half, or quarter sponsorship for a job or a business:

Sponsor a Business (Click HERE  to Donate):

  • Full Business Sponsorship: $3,800 (or $317 per month)
  • Half Business Sponsorship: $1,900 (or $159 per month)
  • Quarter Business Sponsorship: $950 (or $80 per month)

Sponsor a Job (Click HERE  to Donate):

  • Sponsor One Job: $760 (or $64 per month)
  • Half Job Sponsorship: $380 (or $32 per month)
  • Quarter Job Sponsorship: $190 (or $16 per month)

With your help, we can train and support kingdom companies through Biblical Entrepreneurship training, coaching, and access to capital. We can make a measurable difference and transform lives, families, and communities now and generationally.

Click HERE to Find out more about Give the Gift of Business

Click HERE to Give the Gift of Business to the Vancouver-Portland E-Community Center

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