The Undeniable Truths About Work - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

The Undeniable Truths About Work


Whether we like it or not, work takes up a large portion of our time. Research found that on average, an individual spends one-third or roughly 90,000 hours of their life at work. There tends to be quite a wide spectrum when it comes to the relationship of people with their work. Some people enjoy their work because they are good at it and find fulfillment in what they are doing while there are others who dislike their work and see it simply as a means to obtain income. In a time where every person has their own perspective and thoughts, let us refer to the Word of God – the Bible for truth.

The Bible tells us that work is:

  1. Not toiling
    Toiling is meaningless work that is without purpose, meaning, or divine intent. No child of God should be toiling meaninglessly, but rather, should be working as unto the LORD. Our work should be based on our unique calling; the good works prepared beforehand by God for each of us to do. Conversely, our calling should be to give eternal value and meaning to our work.
  2. Not to be worshipped
    Although we are to present our work as our worship unto God, it is not to be worshiped. Some people worship their businesses, careers, or professions by giving them the pre-eminence, attention, or focus that belongs to God alone.
  3. Not the source of provision
    God is the ultimate Source and Supplier of our provision. The solution to lack is not found in working harder or working longer hours. The Bible teaches us that if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then everything else – our provision, our cash flow, and all that we need – shall be added unto us. (Matthew 6:31-33)

Work as worship (and worship expressed through work and/or service) is a concept that occurs in both the Old and New Testaments. The connection between work and worship (and also service) in the Old Testament can be discovered by studying the Hebrew word “avodah” [ עבדה ]. The root word (avad) occurs almost 300 times in the Old Testament.

The word “avodah” is translated into English as “work”, “worship”, and also as “service”, depending upon the context. 

  • Genesis 2:15 = work
  • Zephaniah 3:9 = service
  • Exodus 3:12 = worship

Work, worship, and service that is dedicated to God will always be joyful and full of significance.

Our work will become an act of worship when we are:

  1. Serving others through our work while showing reverence to God
  2. Exercising stewardship of our time, talents, and treasure in a way that gives glory to God
  3. Carrying out our calling, by serving others while honoring Christ

We can ensure that our work will be an extension of our worship by:

  1. Finding and then working from the center of our God-given sweet spot
  2. Advancing God’s purpose through our work and in His Name
  3. Doing our best with excellence and grace, and with a motivation of love
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The E-Community Seminar (EC Seminar) has been a staple of the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community since its founding. As an organization with the mission to build Kingdom businesses globally, it is important to us to provide members of our community with opportunities to learn and to grow as Biblical Entrepreneurs so that they can be effective in the marketplace. This month’s FREE EC Seminar will be on the topic, Work as Worship.

In this seminar, you will learn:

  • The true purpose of work
  • How to worship God through your work
  • The benefits of worshiping God through your work
  • Examples of entrepreneurs who are worshiping God through their work

Date: March 13, 2025
Time: 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM Pacific Time
Location: Online
Trainer: Miriam Soto (Founder, President & CEO of We Honor Your Voice & Path, LLC)

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