Time to ReFresh!
Taking time to refresh entails conducting personal assessments. We conduct reviews of our successes and failures, as well as suggestions for how we can improve in the coming year.
One method for refreshing or conducting a review is to conduct a reverse SWOT analysis, which is an examination of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This allows us to reflect on where we started and what needs to be done differently in the future.
Today, our hosts Debrah Schlant and Wendie Klem will show us how to use our SWOT analyses and reverse engineer them to our advantage before setting new goals.
We understand that challenges and threats are unavoidable in any situation, but for kingdom business owners, this could mean losing new clients, closing down suppliers, closing down your business, or even struggling with cash flow. Every entrepreneur faces unique challenges in their business, and it is critical to note the challenges or threats you faced when conducting the review.
New opportunities, on the other hand, are an inevitable part of everyone’s journey. Sometimes we get opportunities we didn’t expect, and they can manifest as new partners, new clients, learning new skills, or even promotions! We are to reflect not only on the opportunities we have received, but also on those we have missed, and to improve on them in the coming year.
Take some time to recharge your batteries by reflecting on your victories! Whether it’s in terms of your wins, new client acquisition, or the number of KPIs met. Keeping your focus on God and what He has called you to do or your assignment allows you to live in God’s abundance and win!
Taking time to refresh and conduct personal reviews is essential because it allows us to reset our vision and focus on the right and God-given goals.
Remember to commit every aspect of your life to Him, and He will establish your paths! Allow Him to lead, and your work will be anointed with Grace and favor. And don’t forget to take time to refresh every now and then.
Register HERE for EC Seminar – Nairobi – Dreams-Hidden Code of Your Purpose 14 December @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EAT: https://nehemiahecommunity.com/event/hcyp-en-nrb-dec21
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