The world was shocked last week when a tyrant decided to wage war against Ukraine, a nation of peaceful and loving people whose population is 3 times smaller and whose military is 10 times smaller; launching a David versus Goliath battle. As David did in 1 Samuel 17: 45-47, we declare:
“Russia comes against Ukraine with tanks and bombs and airstrikes, but Ukraine comes against them in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom they have defied. This day the Lord will deliver Russia into Ukraine’s hands, and they’ll strike them down and cut off their heads. This very day Ukraine will give the carcasses of the Russian army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Ukraine. All those gathered around the world will know that it is not by tanks and bombs and airstrikes, that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give Russia into Ukraine hands.”
We have been operating in Ukraine in partnership with the Center for Success, Ternopil since 2007. They have served over 1000 Biblical Entrepreneurs in Ukraine and extended Biblical Entrepreneurship in other countries in Eastern Europe and today, they provide education and support to children and families. We have traveled to Ukraine several times and we know that they are resilient people with great faith and strength. During this trying times, our hearts and prayers go out to our friends, brothers, and sisters in Ukraine.

As a result of this war, our partners in Ukraine have had to transform their center into a refugee camp to serve those looking for safety. We ask that you pray and give to them to support them so that they can continue to provide a safe place for refugees during this moment of crisis. Below are some pictures of the refugee camp and a video explaining and giving more information about the current situation.

Since our partners can’t receive money directly from the US, they are partnering with Orphan’s Promise to receive USD donations through their branch in Kyiv, Ukraine. The Kyiv branch of Orphan’s Promise will convert your USD donations into Hryvnia (currency of Ukraine) on your behalf. When giving to Orphan’s Promise, please state that your purpose of payment is for Center for Success, Ternopil. To give, click on the link below.
Thank you for praying and giving.