When Mbola enrolled in the Biblical Entrepreneurship class in Madagascar in 2014, she had no idea that God would give her a vision to start a business to fight poverty and malnutrition in her country. Before joining the Biblical Entrepreneurship class, she had just turned 40 years-old and she fasted asking the Lord to give her something to focus on. Soon after, someone invited her to join the Biblical Entrepreneurship program sponsored by her church in partnership with the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando. Through Biblical Entrepreneurship, the Lord answered her prayers and gave her a vision. At that time, she was a housewife supporting her husband in his auditing company without a clear sense of purpose. She completed BE I and later BE II and BE III with a completed kingdom business plan. During BE I and II, she did not have a clear business idea, but she and her husband had a passion for fighting poverty and helping children. Right before enrolling in BE III, the Lord gave her the idea to start O! Caille, a quail farming company with a mission to fight against malnutrition and poverty in Madagascar.

To her surprise, she went on to win the National Madagascar Biblical Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition and got to represent her country at the International Biblical Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition in the United States with a new start-up company competing against countries like France, Canada, U.S., and Ukraine. Once again, Mbola was surprised when she became the winner of the International Business Plan Competition against other more established businesses. Her vision to fight poverty and malnutrition in her country caught the heart of the judges. She became the second winner in a row from Madagascar to win the International Biblical Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition. Along with her cash prize from the competition, she and her husband added an additional $20K from their savings to build a quail farm, employ one employee, and officially launch the company in October 2016.

O! Caille incubates quail eggs, raises quail chicks, sells quail eggs, meat, chicks, and layer quail to individuals and families in Madagascar. O! Caille went from having just 48 quails to producing 200 quail eggs a day with a goal to produce 1,000 a day within three years. Mbola’s kingdom impact includes investing in her employees by providing housing and support for their children’s education, using her business tithe to sponsor others in Biblical Entrepreneurship, supporting Malagasy students in the U.S.A., investing in her local church and Biblical Entrepreneurship Madagascar, and educating the Malagasy people about nutrition and the power of quail farming. One of the individuals from Mbola’s local church that Mbola sponsored in Biblical Entrepreneurship, was a woman who had just lost her job. Through Biblical Entrepreneurship, she was able to discover her talent for cooking and turn it into a profitable catering business that now provides for her family and 8 other employees.

Mbola is excited to return to the United States this year for Nehemiah Week and to be the keynote speaker for the International Biblical Entrepreneurship Business Plan Competition. She wants to share what God has done in just 12 months and inspire the attendees to believe that if God can do all this through a little woman in a poor country like Madagascar, He can do it anywhere in the world. She believes God has planted a seed of hope in her heart that is now sprouting and she hopes it will impact other Malagasy women. She is grateful to the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando and the Church of Jesus Christ of Madagascar for introducing Biblical Entrepreneurship in Madagascar and giving her the opportunity to realize her dream and provide hope for the Madagascar economy.
– posted by Patrice Tsague