Nehemiah Week Evaluation - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Nehemiah Week Evaluation

"*" indicates required fields

Type of attendee*
How many Nehemiah Week(s) have you attended?*
How much are you willing to pay for the conference?*
Which event did you attend? (Check all that applies)*
Which event did you enjoy the most? (Check all that applies)*
Rate your overall experience at Nehemiah Week*
The conference theme was well addressed throughout the conference*
The speakers were knowledgeable and professional*
The overall content was helpful to my life and business*
I participated in at least one forum discussion*
I made at least 1 good connection that can help me with my business*
I am able to use what I learned to enhance my life, business, or ministry*
I received sufficient Nehemiah Week email communications*
I found the email communications helpful*
I found the Zoom platform user-friendly and easy to navigate*
I found the E-Community platform user-friendly and easy to navigate*
The pace of the conference was manageable*
The time allocated for each day was good*
My favorite topic(s) was:*
My favorite speaker(s) was:*
My least favorite speaker(s) was:
Would you attend another virtual Nehemiah Week conference?*
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