Living Generously - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Living Generously


Living generously is an act of gratitude. It is more than just about giving donations. It is a reflection of God’s very nature.

When we give generously, we should remember that God does not require anything from us. Instead, we should accept that generosity is His. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son…” reads John 3:16, a verse that perfectly describes God’s generosity to His creation.

According to Julie Wilson, the President of Women Doing Well, God’s nature is generosity, and we are to be like Him. This, she says, is a “get to,” not a “have to.” It is a reaction to the grace we have experienced through His dying. When we begin to live our lives with a purpose, we begin to live generously. Knowing who we are helps us avoid becoming too self-absorbed.

Taking stock of our gifts and resources allows us to more easily direct our generosity. Whatever we have that we believe can serve others; we should seek God’s guidance using those tools in order to live generously.

According to the Bible, God likes a cheerful giver. So, whether you’re giving time or money, your joy will come when you know what you’re doing is your purpose and passion. We are urged to give willingly, whether in plenty or via sacrifice, because our actions remind us that we are a part of God’s plan. When we give abundantly, God ensures our replenishment, and we will ultimately receive more than we give. We should remember that God has no need, thus our generosity is a way for us to create a connection with Him by living generously.

It is true that living generously and being mindful about it takes a great deal of discipline. The Holy Spirit is constantly present to guide us along our journey, even though we are not always willing to contribute or are uncomfortable doing so. We must allow ourselves to obey.

Register for EC Seminar – Work as Worship on 9th December @ 7:00 am – 8:00 am PST:…/e-community-seminar

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