Leading with Integrity
Integrity can be defined as being honest and having strong moral principles and moral uprightness.
We find in the Bible that King Josiah had developed a culture of integrity because everyone around him was trustworthy, When he was desperate to hear from the Lord, he sought Prophetess Huldah for her integrity and honesty. He wanted to do everything right in God’s eyes and following his father David’s footsteps.
Huldah was a servant leader who, like many other biblical women, demonstrated outstanding leadership by her devotion to God. And this made her stand out in the midst of her people.
God was able to use Huldah because of her capacity to speak the Word of God in a clear and articulate manner. She had the bravery to speak God’s Word and warn the nation of the dreadful repercussions of its disobedience without any fear. She was courageous.
She was granted the power to hear and interpret God’s Word, His truth, as we read in 2 Kings 22:14. Huldah did not make use of her gift for selfish gain. She didn’t use her prophecy gift to increase her personal wealth or power.
Huldah used her spiritual talent of prophecy with integrity as she served the Lord, in addition to being courageous. She is noted for leaving a legacy of integrity by putting what the Lord had given her to good use in order to advance His kingdom.
We all make mistakes and fall short of our goals, but if we ask God for forgiveness, He will restore our integrity. As women of integrity, we must always be stewards of God’s truth in our workplaces, whether we have believers or nonbelievers. We need to provide a good example for others to follow.
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