Theology of Work - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Theology of Work

Theology of Work

In his many years of experience in marketplace ministry, Os Hillman of Marketplace Leaders came to the overwhelming realization that most Christians do not have a theology of work. Our calling in the marketplace is not a second-class calling but a holy calling that has value. 

When Os asked, “How many of you believe that your local church has effectively trained you to apply biblical faith in your working life?”, only 10% of people consistently responded affirmatively. Even though most churches teach the Bible, many shy away from addressing how the Word of God applies to work, an area where they often spend 60-70% of their waking hours.

An understanding of a theology of work is essential to help us form a biblical worldview. A survey conducted among a general population in the United States in 1998 found that 93% of the responders answered that they believe in God. However, when broken down into different industries, the figures were deeply concerning. The survey showed the following:

  • Military: 90%
  • Business owners: 70%
  • Politicians: 50%
  • Arts & Entertainment: 3%
  • Media: 2%

Art & Entertainment and Media, the two main industries that heavily define culture, are also the industries that least subscribe to a biblical worldview. As we continue to not teach a theology of work in churches, seminaries, and Christian Colleges, the percentage within all industries will surely continue to decline steadily. 

In order to impact our culture for Jesus Christ, we need to focus our attention on reclaiming the Seven Mountains of Culture: 

  1. Business
  2. Government
  3. Arts & Entertainment
  4. Media
  5. Family
  6. Religion
  7. Education

These are the seven sectors that define culture. 

As an organization, the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community looks to educate people on the theology of work and help them develop a biblical worldview through entrepreneurship. As we fulfill our mission to build Kingdom businesses globally, we hope to aid in the reclamation of the seven mountains of culture, specifically the business mountain. Join us for Nehemiah Week 2023 to find out what our organization is all about. 

To get a sneak peek of Nehemiah Week 2023, join us next week on July 20, 2023, from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM PDT, for our Global Forum on Heaven in Business. Come and find out the power and impact of bringing heaven into your business operations together with our forum panelists, which include:

  • Shae Bynes – Kingdom Driven Entrepreneurship
  • Andy Mason – Heaven in Business
  • Robert Fukui – i61 Business Development

You can join us for free if you are a paying E-Community Member. Click on the button below to find out more!

*Adapted from Os Hilman’s article, Overview and History of Modern-day Faith and Work Movement

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