Redemption - Why does Business Matter to God? - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Redemption – Why does Business Matter to God?

Why does business matter to God

Despite the Fall, we have received redemption thanks to Jesus Christ and what He has done for us on the cross. This truth of what Jesus has done for all of us should inform how we live our lives as Christians. As Christians in business, how we conduct our business should reflect this as well.

Why does Business Matter to God?

In Part 3: Redemption, Jeff Van Duzer, author, former Dean of the School of Business and Economics, and retired University Provost of Seattle Pacific University, recaps Parts 1 and 2 and depicts how God led Eve, Adam, and human history through a redemptive work in spite of the Fall:

This upcoming Saturday, April 22nd, at 10:00 AM, at the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Northwest Community Center Connect Meeting and Seminar, Jeff will address more about the theology of Redemption and its impact on business. Register now to hear and go deeper into this subject, either Virtually or Live Physically.  Refreshments will be served.

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