End of Year Impact Story - Africa - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

End of Year Impact Story – Africa

Impact Story

End of Year Impact Story – Africa

This year, the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community in Africa continued to build upon the foundation that has been put in place over the years, opening up greater opportunities to train even more Biblical Entrepreneurs and build even more Kingdom businesses across the region of Africa.

Click on the “DONATE NOW” button below and select “Cameroon” or either one of the Kenya Centers (“Sunergos” or “Nairobi”) under the “Select a campaign” section to support Nehemiah’s work in Africa.


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The Douala E-Community Center in Cameroon continued its efforts to bring clarity to entrepreneurs and ensure a more sustainable economic future through the building of Kingdom Businesses.

This year, the center organized multiple Biblical Entrepreneurship classes and graduated more than 6 Biblical Entrepreneurs. On top of that,  it had two graduates who participated in its National Business Plan Competition.

The center hopes that many others who desire to build businesses that represent and defend the values of God in the marketplace will choose to be a part of the Nehemiah community in Cameroon.


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The Sunergos E-Community Center welcomed new passionate individuals into their team this year, and together, they serve a community with more than 41 members. As a team, they are committed to connecting and praying over and with members within their community. This year marked the launch of its first fully-funded class, and the center is also making strides in championing Nehemiah’s Sustainable Church Initiative.

Its founder and CEO, Lorna Mutegi, has been invited to speak to different Christian associations, churches, and groups, opening up opportunities to share God’s heart with the people she meet. The center is now in the midst of preparing 2 companies for investment.


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This year, the Nairobi E-Community Center saw significant growth in its locally funded Biblical Entrepreneurship radio program on Hope FM, reaching an estimated 200,000 audience weekly. Aside from that, this year also marked the fifth year it successfully organized the Kenya Summit National Business Plan Competition.

The Nairobi Center is currently in the breakeven stage and is working towards the profitability and sustainability stages by exemplifying operational excellence and improving the reach of the brand. In partnership with Lions-Den, the center has been able to give its entrepreneurs the opportunity to pitch to potential investors at the Lions-Den Annual Pitch event. The center looks forward to creating even more opportunities for its entrepreneurs in the future in order to offer them a Christian platform that would enable them to get access to capital as they seek to grow their businesses.

Over the years, the region of Africa has made a mark in our annual International Business Plan Competition. This year was no different, with the winner being a representative of the Nairobi center, Claudia Waithaka.

Claudia is the founder and managing director of Dawamu School. Prior to founding the school, Claudia received academic degrees, an IFC certification, and gained experience in advertising and farming. This led to three years ago when she first interacted with the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community. She then enrolled in the Biblical Entrepreneurship training and coaching program with the goal of improving her business and raising the necessary capital to expand her facilities.

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We are truly thankful for all that has unfolded in the African region this year, and we are even more excited for all that is ahead for us. All of this would not have been possible without our faithful donors supporting us all this while.

As we come to the end of 2023, I would like to humbly ask that you consider making Nehemiah’s mission to build Kingdom businesses globally a priority in your giving this year. By Giving the Gift of Business, you are helping us achieve our 10-year goal to train 300,000 entrepreneurs, build 200,000 businesses, and create 100,00 jobs. Take note that all gifts up to $60K will be matched thanks to a matching challenge by generous members of the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community.

Your gift enables us to turn dreams into reality, ensuring that everyone who needs training and coaching and a Kingdom community has access to it. It allows us to partner with churches, Christian schools, and universities, offering the Biblical Entrepreneurship curriculum irrespective of financial limitations. It ensures that every country in need receives Biblical Entrepreneurship and a Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community Center.

If you want to give specifically to our work in Africa, select “Cameroon” or either one of the Kenya Centers (“Sunergos” or “Nairobi”) under the “Select a campaign” section when donating. Click on the button below to begin!

For more great articles that provide you with insights to help you with your entrepreneurship journey from discovery to succession, click HERE to view the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community’s library of Kingdom Business Leaders Resources.

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