Know that the Lord is God. It is He Who made us, and not we ourselves. – Psalm 100:3a (NIV)
Nehemiah Project International Ministries Inc. is now “doing business as” the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community. Since 1999, our legal name has served us well and represented our Christian roots, our global reach, and our calling to ministry. However, as we look into the future, we believe that we now need a name that reflects more of what we do and how we do it.
When we began our work, there were less than a dozen nationally and internationally recognized marketplace ministries. Today, over 23 years later, the sector is becoming more and more crowded with over 219 Business as Mission resources both nationally and internationally. Though this is good for the nation and the world, it also means that an organization in this sector must continue to not only differentiate its uniqueness but must clearly communicate its distinction in its branding.

In 2017, we introduced the E-Community as an online virtual platform to provide online education while connecting Biblical Entrepreneurs to Kingdom impact investors.
The Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community was first introduced in 2017 as a part of a strategy to provide online education and support for Biblical Entrepreneurs. The strategy was to establish locally operated and led Entrepreneurship Community Centers to ensure both a physical facility to serve local entrepreneurs as well as provide a community. Today, the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community has close to 2000 members, representing entrepreneurs in Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, as well as 15 Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community Centers worldwide.

- Increased competition in the sector and the need to be distinct and clear in name and brand
- Confusion between the Nehemiah Project and the Nehemiah E-Community brand
- Nehemiah Project is a name used by multiple other organizations which creates confusion as to which Nehemiah Project we are
- To make more emphasis on who we are and what we do
- To make it more SEO friendly
- The name better reflects who we have become and what we do
Doing business as the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community:
- Nehemiah – Who we are: Reflects our Christian roots
We are builders, called to protect and bring comfort to others.
- Entrepreneurship – What we do: We build transformational Kingdom businesses through Biblical Entrepreneurship
We are committed to a quadruple bottom line: People, Planet, Profit, and Eternity.
- Community – How we do it: We do it in community
We do more than training and coaching; we provide a global ecosystem where entrepreneurs with shared values are encouraged and supported to thrive through the various stages of their business journey.
The Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community is a safe place where Christian Entrepreneurs in various business stages, from all over the world find a supportive network of trusted Kingdom business trainers, coaches, and mentors, as well as training and business support services to grow their businesses.
The community includes an ecosystem of like-minded, shared-value entrepreneurs who are committed to building Kingdom businesses globally.
Sent in love from your grateful and humble servant,
Patrice Tsague, Chief Servant Office