Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) |
The year 2022 emerged as the most impactful year in our organization’s history, yet it also presented us with our greatest net loss due to the need to pivot from a partnership that did not materialize as expected.
Our objective for 2023 was to not only continue our global impact but also minimize our losses, steering our way towards profitability and sustainability. While we did not achieve profitability this year, with your invaluable support, we came remarkably close to breaching the breakeven point. 2023 was a year filled with impactful activities, and it successfully laid the groundwork for a potentially profitable 2024.

- Hosted 67 Biblical Entrepreneurs from four countries in Orlando for the Nehemiah Best Practice Business Conference & Tour
- Our E-Community Membership surpassed the 2000 member milestone and, as of this communication, has reached over 3000
- Introduced Biblical Entrepreneurship to George Fox University and Portland Bible College
- Launched Biblical Entrepreneurship for Youths in a Christian School
- Served 12 couples through the Couples in Business Life Group
- Hosted Nehemiah Week 2023, an international global virtual conference for 209 Christian Entrepreneurs from 15 countries
- Served 2000 Biblical Entrepreneurs from over 38 countries worldwide
- Supported 14 churches through the Sustainable Church Initiative
- Conducted 465 coaching hours
- Gave $48k in scholarships to help entrepreneurs access coaching and training

- Serve over 5000 Entrepreneurs globally
- Increase E-Community Membership to 5000
- Continue offering Biblical Entrepreneurship in two universities
- Expand Young Biblical Entrepreneurship into at least three Christian schools and a homeschool network.
- Launch the Young Biblical Entrepreneur program in Kenya and Congo
- Serve 24 couples through Couples in Business Life Groups.
- Support numerous churches through the Sustainable Church Initiative
- Conduct over 1000 coaching hours
- Host two International Business Conference
- Visit at least three international partners
We are brimming with excitement for the potential 2024 holds as we unveil our new free course: the “Nehemiah Business Life Cycle: A Guide to Entrepreneurship Success from Succession to Exit.”
Our vision is to leverage this course to assist Biblical Entrepreneurs across all socioeconomic statuses and at various stages of business development, ensuring everyone has an equal opportunity for business success.
Sent in love from your grateful and humble servant,

Patrice Tsague, Chief Servant Office