Free Entrepreneurship Community - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community



EC online membership - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Unlock a suite of benefits designed to enrich your entrepreneurial journey with our free Bronze Membership. This membership tier offers you all the benefits listed below.

This membership is perfectly suited for entrepreneurs who seek a sense of community and connection but are not yet ready to commit financially to a membership plan. While enjoying the benefits of connecting with other members, please note that access to certain platform features will be limited.

Embrace the opportunity to grow your network while increasing your Kingdom impact. Join our community today and start exploring the possibilities.


Weekly or monthly devotional and prayer time with other entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders with a special emphasis on your experience as an entrepreneur. Get insights on how to handle day-to-day business issues based on your core values. These Life Groups use inspired devotionals published by the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community with relevant marketplace applications.

Available Life Groups include Couples in Business, Passive Income, Marketplace, Women in Business, and Francophone Life Groups amongst many others.

EC life groups - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community


Attend our monthly or quarterly networking meetings with other like-minded entrepreneurs and business professionals who share your values. You will be inspired by other members’ success stories, learn from their struggles, and make strategic connections with other members and guests who can help you grow your business through B2B relationships, peer advice, or unique partnerships.

EC connect meetings - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community


You will receive motivational and uplifting devotionals uniquely curated for Biblical Entrepreneurs, offering guidance and encouragement for your daily ventures. You will also be notified of weekly news and updates on global activities of the E-Community.

EC devonews - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community


Attend a monthly online or live topical and practical seminar that will inspire you toward your vision and provide you with insight and nuggets to build a successful Kingdom company.

EC free seminars2 - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community


Access resources for business news, training and event updates, business-focused podcasts, inspiration, insights, and trending topics.

EC blog podcast - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community


Expand your network by connecting with members from around the world. Discover new perspectives and opportunities in a global marketplace.

EC social media - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
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