Are you looking to connect with like minded Christian entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders in the Northwest? Are you looking for quality biblically integrated business education, coaching, and community for business growth and impact?
Join the Northwest Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community for the next monthly Connect Meeting on Saturday, February 22, at 10:00 AM Pacific Time. We will our host Patrice Tsague who will share on the topic of Developing a 2025 Kingdom Business and Ministry Success Plan.
Topic: Developing a 2025 Kingdom Business and Ministry Success Plan
Host: Patrice Tsague, Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST
Location: SOS Technology Innovation Center, 948 Lloyd Center, Portland, OR 97232
Cost: FREE for EC Members and $25 for Bronze and Non-Members
Refreshments will be served
For more information call – 877-916-1180 Ext 102.
*Use the Time Zone Converter below to check for the event time in your local time.

Patrice Tsague
Founder and Trainer of Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community
PATRICE TSAGUE is a pastor, business trainer, entrepreneur, international speaker, best-selling author, and kingdom business coach. Patrice has trained and coached over 15,000 individuals around the world on how to start or expand their businesses using business training and coaching principles found in the Bible. Through his training and coaching system, his clients have raised millions of dollars in funding capital, generated a combined income of over $100 million dollars, and created thousands of jobs.
Patrice is the author of several books and training curricula including Biblical Entrepreneurship, which has an adult and youth version, Nothing but a Jar of Oil, The Passive Income Continuum, The Buck Stops with You, and many more. He also publishes a weekly e-devotional, blog, radio inspirational moment, and podcast for entrepreneurs and business executives that is distributed to over 100K individuals globally.
Click HERE to learn more about Patrice Tsague