Empowering Women in Leadership: Embracing Opportunity with Faith and Purpose - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Empowering Women in Leadership: Embracing Opportunity with Faith and Purpose


Today’s women have unprecedented opportunities to contribute to the marketplace, education, science, athletics, and the church. Though the historical narrative is one of struggle for opportunity and recognition, it is also rich with examples of women who overcame cultural and legal challenges to make significant contributions across diverse fields. From ancient history to modern times, women have excelled in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, engineering, politics, and much more.

Scripture provides us with inspiring examples of women who led in politics and business, such as Deborah, the Judge, and Lydia, the seller of purple. History, too, offers a long list of pioneering women: Catherine the Great, Rosa Parks, Marie Curie, Amelia Earhart, Queen Elizabeth I and II, Jane Austen, Sally Ride, Mary Kay Ash, Sandra Day O’Connor, Carly Fiorina, Oprah Winfrey, and many others. These women broke through barriers and contributed immensely.  

Within the Nehemiah E-Community, examples include Susan Schramm, Ana Maria Lowry, Nina Mutegi, Malala Ratianaharisoa, and more as they pursue their purpose in the marketplace.  We can look to women in our families or communities who contributed on the family farm, in business, or in roles traditionally reserved for men. To paraphrase Pastor Anthony Moore, when the mission was significant, women found a way through, around, over, under, and into solving problems that have a Kingdom impact—then and now.

To continue this legacy, it is imperative that we release outdated beliefs, hindrances, and struggles that might hold us back. These continue to prevent us from fulfilling the roles God has intended for us. Biblical Entrepreneurship teaches that opportunity is the intersection of God’s timing and our preparation. To be ready for the opportunities ahead, here are five ways to prepare:

  1. Clarity of Your Call: If you do not have clarity about your identity in Christ, how you serve God, and what your assignment is, consider taking the Identity and Destiny course before proceeding with your plans. Whether your calling is to be a homemaker or a CEO, the certainty of following God’s design for your life provides the confidence needed to overcome the challenges ahead.
  2. Align Priorities: Life isn’t about balancing conflicting priorities but rather aligning them appropriately to ensure a healthy lifestyle. Include your family in the process so that everyone understands and agrees to the commitments you are making.
    • Place God first and above every other priority.
    • Self-care: Ensure you are healthy, able to take care of your responsibilities and avoid burnout.
    • Relationships: Attend to those relying on you—family, friends, employees, church, and community.
    • Career: While this may demand the most time, establish boundaries to prevent it from encroaching on your other priorities.
  3. Continue Learning and Skill Development: Stay updated on trends, strategies, and new technologies. Improve your communication skills to effectively present your ideas and influence others. This might include taking courses and workshops, attending conferences, and reading leading publications.
  4. Lead Through Uncertainty and Change: Be adaptable and embrace new challenges as opportunities for growth and leadership. Inspire your team to see the vision, accurately assess risks, and overcome obstacles. Help them understand how their contributions fit into the overall mission.
  5. Get a Coach, Be a Mentor: A coach can be an invaluable asset, helping you identify gaps and guiding you to success in the marketplace. Also, take the time to mentor another woman, helping her fulfill God’s call on her life.

Women leaders can effectively overcome challenges and thrive in their leadership roles. If God has called you, what can anyone do to prevent His plans? The keys are to honor God, pursue your purpose, align your priorities, and strive for excellence in every area of personal and professional growth.

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