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- Sponsor one Business – $3800
- Sponsor Half a business – $1900
- Sponsor Quarter of a business – $950
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- Sponsor Half a job – $380
- Sponsor Quarter of a job – $190

Barry James is an entrepreneur and second-generation President and Chairman of James Investment Research which is based in Ohio. Like many passionate Christians, Barry felt a strong nudge to become a missionary in Africa early in his career but chose instead to join the mission field of the marketplace where he serves as a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ in the financial services industry. He uses his profits to support ministries like the Nehemiah Project in the US and around the world.
When asked why he is passionate about the Nehemiah Project and is committed to sponsoring businesses and job creation around the world Barry said:
“Dignity, empowerment, and stronger families rest in the hands of God. I’ve seen Him use entrepreneurs and jobs to bring these into the lives of people all over the world. My dream is to see over 10,000 God-honoring businesses and over 100,000 jobs created by 2030.”
Watch the video below to hear more from Barry James.