How do I balance my family with my work? How do I ensure that I earn respect on the job and in the marketplace, how do I see myself? The modern business woman faces unique challenges that require a different skill set. There are still a lot of stereotypes and we’re still a couple of years away from equality.
In this episode of “Take a Breath”, Debra and Wendie explore what it really means to balance work and life as a woman in business. They also offer their thoughts on the importance of alignment over balancing and how to achieve it.
There are three key lessons that the modern-day woman can derive from the Proverbs 31 woman on Balancing vs Alignment.
- Know who you are.
- Have acute business acumen.
- Serve with love
“…opportunity is our preparation intersecting with God’s timing.” – Debra.
Women in business need to remember that all work should be done for God’s glory. It’s a calling, not just a career. When we surrender our businesses to Him and trust that He will direct our steps, we can find the peace and balance that eludes so many of us.
If you’re feeling out of alignment or struggling to achieve balance in your work and life, take a breath and remember the three key lessons from Proverbs 31 woman.
Setting priorities also plays an important role in creating balance in our lives. The Proverbs 31 woman was able to balance her work and home life by setting priorities. She knew what was important to her and she made sure that those things were taken care of first.
We can learn from her example by taking a look at our own lives and seeing where we need to set some priorities. What is important to you? What do you need to do in order to take care of those things?
When we set our priorities and make sure that we are taking care of the things that are important to us, we will find that it is easier to achieve balance in our lives.
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