“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” – 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NKJV)
We want to dedicate this post to our friend, brother, and partner, David Donald Olang, who went home to be with the Lord on Friday, April 2nd, 2021.
We all want to live a long life but long life is overrated. A well-lived life is what we all should be after. Jesus lived until 33 years, Martin Luther King Jr lived 39 years, Robert Kennedy lived 46 years, and our dear friend David Olang lived 51 years. Though their lives were short, they all lived a life well-lived. A life that we all should admire and aspire to live.
A life well-lived is the life that Jesus promised in John 10:10 when he said He has come, that we may have life and that we may have it more abundantly. It is the Abundant life, a life without regrets, a life of purpose and rigor. David lived such a life.
Watch the video below, prepared for you by our Chief Servant Officer, Patrice Tsague, to learn about David Olang’s life and legacy as a Biblical Entrepreneur
About David Donald Olang
David Donald Olang, known intimately as Don, was born September 23, 1970, in a Kenyan family that was deeply committed to the Christian faith. His grandfather was the 1st African Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Kenya. Like most children, David had his own prodigal journey but later committed his whole heart to the Lord, modeled after his grandfather, and never looked back. He was married to Dorothy Olang for 24 years and had two children, daughter Daniella Olang and son Dilan Olang. He began his professional career in his early 20’s became an executive in his mid 20’s served as an executive managing supply chains and turnaround specialists in Africa for over 25 years. Don had a love of Sports, loved serving people, and never liked the limelight. He preferred to serve quietly though he would always rise to leadership because of his faithfulness and skills.
How he got involved with Nehemiah Project Kenya

Don met Frank Kitonga in the early 2000s, while they both worked at Unilever, they became great friends though Don was more senior in the corporate leadership structure he partnered with Frank to make a great spiritual impact in the workplace. They not only worked together as marketplace ministers in the workplace, but they also worked together in men’s ministry and even
supported each other in dating and marriage. When Frank left the Corporate world to launch his own business Blue Flame International which later became a licensee and country director of Kenya for the Nehemiah Project International, Don watched with admiration as his friend risked the security of corporate life and committed himself to use the skills he learned in Corporate to serve Kenya, Africa and the body of Christ. It was then no surprise that when Frank and Grace needed a financial partner to open the first Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community Center in Nairobi David jumped at the opportunity. His motivation was to serve his friend, the Lord, African Entrepreneur, and his country. He never wanted to make a big deal out of his investment nor did he want people to know about his ownership interest.
He was a true silent partner but spoke loudly as an advisor to Frank and Grace, became a Certified Kingdom Business Coach, and invested financially when needed. He was also being considered as a potential board member for the Nehemiah Project International Ministry. David’s life calling was to be a broom for the Lord; coming into messy situations, especially in his corporate life and cleaning things up.

He would be viewed by some as a turnaround specialist. His vision was to bring efficiency and effectiveness to the marketplace through cost-saving in the power of God’s kingdom. Don finished well and modeled for all of us how to live a life well-lived. We will miss our friend and brother but we will live on to continue to work that he committed himself and his resources to and make him proud. Goodbye Don, goodbye general, we will see you soon.
In honor of David Olang, here are 7 Keys for you to live a life well lived
- Honor your God
- Honor your family
- Live a productive and bold life
- Be clear of your life calling
- Be a part of something bigger than yourself
- Take risks
- Don’t worry about who gets the credit
To share words of encouragement, a message of condolence, or contribute to Don’s memorial fund email Frank Kitonga – frank@nehemiahproject.org
Our deepest condolences to the Olang family, friends, and colleagues of David. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We mourn with you. He was a true general for the Lord, He lived a life well lived and worthy to follow.
Patrice and Gina Tsague, Co-Founders of Nehemiah Project International
What a blessing to know David! He left a legacy of service – to God, family, and community for us to follow his example.
Debra Schlaht, Training and Coaching Director of Nehemiah Project International
Dear Brother David, it pleased the Lord our God to call you home. I haven’t had the chance to get to know you personally, but like a sweet scent, the impact of your work has done so much more eloquently. Rest in peace and thank you for your lightning work, the impact of your commitment will continue to shine after you. Our prayers cover all those who are dear to you.
Gabriel Oleko, Regional Director for Africa
I got to know David by three biblical concepts that God tells us in His word in how to get to know a Godly man:
- By their fruit: Matthew 7:16-24
David’s impact was global. At his celebration of life service, we heard tributes from several recipients of David’s spiritual, business and love wealth. His fruit is exponential from generation to generation. - By their love: John 13:35
David’s love for his wife, children, relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ, clients, etc. was evident. No distance, no time, no illness stopped David to shower anyone he crossed path with his unconditional and selfless love. - By their legacy: Proverbs 13:22
David’s legacy stands alone through the quality of the Nehemiah Kenya’s Center, his partner, Frank Kitonga, the coaches and trainers who are champion makers, and finally the regional economic and spiritual impact he left behind, for us to further what he started and supported with all his heart.
Thanks, David, our Hispanic Community, A & P e-Community Center, and myself were recipients of your fruit, love, and legacy. Until we meet in Heaven.”
Ana Maria Lowry, President of A & P International, Inc.
I remember David’s booming laughter! That’s my enduring memory of Don….an engaging, wise, and wonderful personality that hid a powerful, disciplined mind. I felt like I knew him for years, though I only met him last year. Fare thee well David. Till we meet again.
Tony and Zippy
A man of God, a great human being, and a servant leader. I had the pleasure of working with and under him at Unilever for almost 8 years. He will be missed. Condolences to his family – May God give you peace and comfort.
David influenced my life positively and with great impact while at Unilever. His sense of humor was so alluring and yet he was focused and affirm Leade nevertheless. I chose to remember David for Mentorship on matters of leadership and the willingness to handhold me in my career while at Unilever. A humble man. Rest in peace David.
Anthony Siyoi
Don was many things. He was precious, thoughtful, smart, funny, generous, reliable, the list is endless. For me, he was my friend.
Chris Olang
I worked with David at Unilever for over 10yrs and am glad our paths crossed. I was once in a career support group with David and after that session, David frequently checked on my progress. Glad to see the good work he was doing with Frank and other members of the community. David lived his purpose and impacted many lives.
Eunice Ronoh Omondi
It was a privilege to have worked with and studied under David Olang at Unilever. As a team, we weathered many storms mostly due to his steadfast leadership, wisdom, and focus. David was a man of the people and the overwhelming response that we have witnessed from those who worked with him at Unilever bears witness to this. Sincere condolences to His family. It shall be well.
Paul Arunga
I met David in a solemn assembly at Unilever in 2006 before joining the business in 2007. What stood out for me was his passionate love for God and intercession for the business. He was my first boss in Unilever and he gave me insights on customer service and supply chain at large. I continued looking up to him even when he moved from my department. He was a brother and a friend. One time when I was going through a difficult season at work, he encouraged me to focus on God and to trust Him to carry me through. I will be forever grateful as he helped me grow in my career and always putting God first. We later met in the Nehemiah Project when we were graduating in our BE class. He greatly cheered me on in pursuing my dream while reminding me to transfer lessons learned in the corporate world to my business. I will miss his fellowship and warm heart.
May God comfort the family through this difficult season.
David was a former colleague at Unilever. I remember the dedication he had towards the Unilever fellowship, he impacted so many lives and this is the legacy he will be remembered for. May God comfort his family during this very tough time.
Josephine Ratemo
Don Olang was a great man. He was a servant leader, very humble (yet very assertive), always thought through everything he did or said. Don was a bible scholar, very passionate about the word of God. He had this contagious laughter and smile. I met him in CITAM Woodley where he was one of the leaders in the assembly. In 2017 my father-in-law passed on and Don and Dorothy traveled all the way to Western to be with us. They came in the day before the burial, sat with us most of the evening, and then came in the next day (day of burial) and were in no hurry to leave. I remember them having lunch at our house in Nairobi, too. He loved my husband (Claytone) and me too. He always called me big sis. Heaven must be happy. We are very very sad to have him change residence.
Julia Ombasyi
I was privileged to have worked under David at EABL. He remains the most impactful human being I have ever interacted with within my life. He was a giant amongst men. He was intellectually blessed, compassionate, thoughtful, and brave, with a moral compass that was in line with God’s teachings.
Olang was my colleague at KBL and his wisdom, energy, perspective in life, amazing. We are shocked he is no more and appreciate he shared his experience with us. We will soldier on and share with the world he has left behind. May the Good Lord rest his soul in eternal peace.
Martin Mutie
I was privileged to know David through BSF for the last couple of years. I was teaching his daughter Daniella in BSF school program and I always enjoyed the wealth of biblical knowledge the little girl had. When I first learned that David was her dad, it wasn’t quite a surprise. Years later, he joined the BSF leadership team and this meant that we would be meeting every Saturday morning for our training. David’s hearty laughter was something to reckon with each time we were sharing as leaders. Recently when I lost my grandmother, he kept me on check almost every day through WhatsApp. To him, I have always remained a teacher having taught Daniella in BSF. I will truly miss him. His sharing in our leadership circle was always deep, the kind you would admire. A lot to say about him but I will leave it at that. My condolences to Dorothy, Daniella, and Dilan. May God give you comfort and grace.
Oduor Okungu
I met David in 2014 at Unilever and he called me his Sister every time we met or spoke. David was humble and chose his words with wisdom, always smiling even when things were tough. We made it a point to call each other and talk whenever we were on leave (apparently to catch up in this fast-paced world) and every X-mas season sends greetings just to keep in touch. This year in February, as usual, I was on leave and he called me, we spoke, he gave me an assignment, which sadly I did not get to give him feedback on. Now I begin to understand why we had that last lengthy call. It is such a great loss, but God has good reasons why he has called you to rest; we shall miss you dearly. May God gives Dotty and the family strength, grace, and peace to pass through this very dark moment; We shall meet again, fare thee well, RIP David.