Religious Freedom in the Marketplace Survey - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Religious Freedom in the Marketplace Survey

Religious Freedom in the Marketplace

“‘You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.’” – Matthew 5:14 (NKJV)

Do we have religious freedom in the marketplace?

As believers in Christ, we are God’s ambassadors in the marketplace. God has called each of us individually to a specific marketplace, and it is our mission to be carriers of His message in those places. We ought to communicate His love to the people we come into contact with each day. However, more often than not, the marketplace tends to be an adverse environment where we will undoubtedly face difficulties in living out our faith.

Nehemiah Project International Ministries (NPIM) recently had our Global Forum on the topic of Religious Freedom in the Marketplace on January 25, 2023. It was a Global Forum designed for not only entrepreneurs but for all those who truly want to salt and light in the marketplace.

We were fortunate to have Nathan Estruth, Former President & CEO of Procter & Gambler subsidiary, iMFLUX as the guest speaker as well as Shannon Royce, President of Christian Employer Alliance (CEA); Al Caperna, Chairman of CMC Group Inc; and Pastor Carlos Duran, President of National Hispanic Pastors Alliance (NAHPA) as the panelists for the forum. Through the forum, the attendees discovered answers to difficult questions such as “What is God’s call for us in the marketplace?”“How are we to respond to God’s call for us in the marketplace?”, and “What does it mean to be salt and light in the marketplace?”

We do not want you to miss out on the experience! Click HERE to watch the recording of the entire Global Forum and learn how to be Salt and Light in today’s uncertain world. This recording is only available for those who registered for the Global Forum or are paid members of our E-Community Membership. To find out more about our different membership levels and their benefits, click HERE. Stand a chance to win a $50 E-Community gift card by simply filling out our Religious Freedom in the Marketplace Survey by clicking HERE! With your help, we can determine how religious freedom is impacting the growth of Kingdom companies around the world.

For more great articles that provide you with insights to help you with your entrepreneurship journey from discovery to succession, click HERE to view our library of Kingdom Business Resources.  

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