How I Discovered My Sweet Spot - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

How I Discovered My Sweet Spot

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This is How I Discovered My Sweet Spot. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” This is not something I knew or believed in growing up.

I came to know Christ as my Lord and savior in December 1994 at 21 years old, and the following year at 22 years old was when I received my purpose statement through a revelation from God to use entrepreneurship as a tool to empower the body of Christ and seek and save the lost. This encounter with God served as a catalyst for everything I have done.  

Without this encounter, Nehemiah Project International Ministries (NPIM), the courses I have developed, and the books I have written would not exist. Without this encounter, I would not have traveled to 5 regions of the world and trained and coached thousands of people to build Kingdom companies.

As transformational as this encounter was, it was not the only thing that led to me discovering my sweet spot. About 15 years later, I enrolled in a course called Identity and Destiny by Tom and Pam Wolf that gave me a framework and validated what I had learned through trial and error. Creating my Purpose Mosaic through this course brought together in one frame my identity and destiny, which solidified my sweet spot.

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Here are seven guiding principles that have helped me in my journey that can help you as well:

  1. An encounter with Jesus Christ
  2. Knowing my identity
  3. Knowing my purpose
  4. Preparation
  5. Discovering my passion
  6. Discovering my gifts and skills
  7. Distinguishing between what I can sell and what I must give

Do you know your God-given sweet spot? Are you operating your business in your God-given sweet spot?

Knowing your God-given sweet spot not only enables you to know what kind of business is right for you but what role you should play in the business. Aside from that, it also reduces stress, yields fulfillment, and increases profits. To find out more about Doing Business in Your God-Given Sweet Spot, join us for our upcoming Entrepreneurship Community Seminar that is free for all E-Community Members on January 12, 2023! Click HERE to sign up for the seminar for FREE!

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We are proud to have Ana Maria Lowry, Founder and President of A&P International, a transformational business development and consulting Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) based in Orlando, Florida that serves the Supplier Diversity Community as the instructor for the upcoming seminar.

Like me, Ana Maria has discovered her sweet spot, and this has led her to build a successful coaching and consulting firm. Join Ana Maria at the upcoming free Entrepreneurship Community Seminar as she shares her journey in discovering her God-given sweet spot and how that has guided her in building her company. She will also provide you with tools and resources on how you can discover yours!

Interested to know more about upcoming seminars and educational opportunities offered by the Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community? Click HERE!

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