Fighting for Unity, Fighting from Unity - Nehemiah Entrepreneurship Community

Fighting for Unity, Fighting from Unity

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Step #7: Be committed to unity and oneness with other believers.

John 17:21 I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.

Let’s be clear: hell hates for us to be in unity. Satan loves dividing the saints from each other and sometimes, frankly, we are only too willing to help. Why does God love His people to be in unity? If we think about our own children, the answer becomes clear. We want those we love, to love and care for each other. When our children are fighting, our hearts hurt as well.

When we are in unity, we pray better. When we are in unity, we help each other more. When we are in unity, we guard each other against Satan’s attacks. When we are in unity, we look for ways to build each other up.

When we are divided, our prayers are hindered. When we are divided, we think only of our own interests. When we are divided, we are more vulnerable to attacks. When we are divided, we allow our words to tear down our brothers and sisters and create more division.

So how do we stay committed to this fight, the battle for unity?

  1. Watch your mouth. Paul tells us in Ephesians 4 “Only (communicate) what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” That is a great test. How are you doing?
  2. Deal quickly with division. Jesus tells us that if someone ticks us off, go to them and work it out, just between the two of you (Matthew 18). No gossip. No letting things fester. Deal with offenses quickly and directly, but with grace and forgiveness.
  3. If someone treats you badly, serve them all the more. We are to “do good to them that hateyou.” Jesus died for the very people who nailed Him to the cross. Returning love for hate is a powerful weapon in the battle against division.
  4. Remember what is at stake. The greatest cause of disunity is one word: ego. We react because our sense of personal value is on the line. We feel like we have to defend ourselves and the best defense is a good offense so we end up being offensive in return. Remember that no matter how personal it feels, the truth is that this is a spiritual battle. What is at stake is not really our ego. It is our unity, and Satan would love nothing more than to destroy it. When we get our feelings hurt by someone, talk to God about it and let the Holy Spirit lead you in how to react.

Paul wrote, “and the greatest of these is love.” Love is the only weapon that can fight and defeat division and bring about true, Holy Spirit inspired unity.

– posted by Randall Sanford

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