![Divine Blessing](https://nehemiahecommunity.com/members/wp-content/uploads/sites/28/2023/12/marcos-paulo-prado-aTxc6zI753g-unsplash-scaled-e1702218249477-1024x317.jpg)
Divine Blessing
How would you like to conduct your business knowing that you have been granted favor for it to succeed by Almighty God Himself?
What if the Creator of the universe came to you privately and assured you that not only will your business thrive but that you will help others to thrive as well?
How would this impact your attitude toward the economy?
How would this impact the way that you see the challenges facing your business?
Would you approach things differently than the way you currently approach them?
Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make you a blessing.” – Genesis 12:1-2 (NKJV) |
Divine Blessing
Abraham was a businessman who received a vision from God. The vision led him to forsake the religion and tradition of his fathers and embrace the one true God. He went from being a worldly businessman to becoming a Kingdom businessman. Even though Abraham lied about his wife, was impatient with God (which led to the birth of Ishmael), and suffered famine in the land, the promises that God made to Abraham still came to pass. This is because God’s promises to Abraham were not based upon Abraham’s perfection. Abraham was divinely blessed by God.
If you are a born–again believer and operate a Kingdom business, you can walk with the confidence and assurance of guaranteed victory because, like Abraham, you have been divinely blessed.
Divine blessing means to walk in the favor of God. It is a divine release of power, protection, and grace that enables you to accomplish your earthly assignment. Unfortunately, many of us walk in unbelief even though we have been blessed by our Heavenly Father. We confess the right things with our mouths, but our inner thoughts deny the very words we confess. We wonder why our circumstances are not better if we indeed have been blessed by the Father.
Many assume that being blessed means being trouble-free and perfect, and we rationalize that since we are not trouble-free and perfect, we must not be blessed. Being blessed does not guarantee a trouble-free life, but it does mean freedom in the midst of trouble, peace in the midst of trials, and faith in the midst of disappointments. Walking in divine blessing releases an internal assurance that regardless of your circumstances, you will emerge victorious.
The battle has already been won in the spiritual realm; all that remains is the manifestation of divine blessing in the natural realm. The key to this manifestation is belief, and the belief must come from a heart and mind that is cleansed of all negative thoughts, like purified water running through the faucet and sweeping all the dirty water away until nothing but clean water remains.
How can you walk in divine blessing?
- Be convicted of the Lordship of Jesus Christ in your life
- Be clear on His divine instructions for you
- Believe those instructions wholeheartedly, and make every effort to follow them
- Maintain an active and consistent prayer life
- Guard your heart with all diligence
- If you do stumble, pick yourself up again and draw close to God
- Confess and act on the Word of God, declaring and believing His promises
regardless of your circumstances
Walking in divine blessing is a function of who you are in Christ. It has nothing to do with how perfect you are, but everything to do with putting your complete trust in the Perfect One. Do not let the devil use your mistakes and shortcomings to intimidate you, but rather trust that in spite of your mistakes and shortcomings, God is able to fulfill His promises in your life. His word will not return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11).
My prayer for you is that the realization that you are walking in divine blessing will cause you to overcome difficult circumstances and rejoice, as you move toward the fulfillment of the call of God that is on your life.