
Embracing Your Privilege


Have you been born into a privileged lifestyle?
Are you aware of your privileges as a son/daughter of the Most High God?
How should you make use of the position that you have inherited?

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, taking on the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men.Philippians 2:5-7 (NKJV)

Embracing Your Privilege

Privilege is defined as a special advantage or immunity that is not available to everyone, or a right reserved exclusively for a particular person or group. Throughout the history of mankind, there has always been a group of people who were more privileged than others. In many situations, there are several individuals who enjoy certain privileges based on their position, family, lineage, or personal accomplishments.  

Throughout the Bible, we see groups and individuals who enjoy special advantages or rights because of their relationship with God the Father. For instance, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came as one who was privileged. He enjoyed special advantages as the only begotten Son of God, being God in the flesh and having all powers under His command. 

Furthermore, Jesus demonstrated for us that the key to privilege is not the privilege itself, but rather how you use the privilege. Jesus did not deny nor reject His privilege as the Son of God – He used it to fulfill the Will of His Father. He was not ashamed of it – far from it – He embraced it. But rather than using that privilege to dominate humanity, through meekness, He used it to achieve the mission He was given to accomplish, at great personal cost to HImself.

There are many believers who find themselves privileged because of the family they are born into, the nation of their birth, or because they have gained success in their vocation or business. However, these individuals are often ashamed or feel guilty that they are able to enjoy certain privileges or rights that others do not have.  

Like Jesus Christ, you must not be ashamed of your privilege but rather embrace it and seek the Lord to know how you should use that privilege to fulfill His will in the earthly realm.  

By the grace of God, I grew up privileged as the son of a successful businesswoman and politician, and my family enjoyed the rights of the ruling class of my country. Because of this privilege, I was able to come to the United States and enjoy a good education. 

Early in my development, I was exposed to business and government in such a way that the average person does not. I enjoyed relationships with individuals who inspired me to believe in myself and pursue my dreams. However, this privilege came with responsibility. Thankfully, our mother taught us about the responsibility of privilege. 

Privilege is not granted so that you can enjoy the “finest things” in life, but rather so that you can be of service to others. For me, committing my life to Christ added an eternal dimension to this concept – and so it should for you.

Every child of God is privileged. The Bible tells us that we are joint heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17), that we are kings and priests (1 Peter 2:9-10; Revelation 1:6; 5:10), and that God has given us stewardship over the works of His hands (Genesis 1:28; 1 Peter 4:10). What powerful blessings and privileges have been bestowed upon us by our Creator!  

Someone more powerful than my mother, richer than Bill Gates, and wiser than Albert Einstein has made us joint heirs with His only begotten Son!  He has made us to be kings and priests of His kingdom, meaning that we are rulers in our own right and can come to Him boldly for assistance in every way.  

In addition, He also placed all of His resources at our disposal (Psalm 24:1-2; Philippians 4:19). We thank God for men and women who have used their privilege as Christians to accomplish God’s Will on the earth.  

Should your business become a financial success so that your children and grandchildren enjoy the privileges that I have enjoyed, make sure to teach them about the responsibilities of privilege and its eternal implications, so they may build upon your legacy, and continue to advance the will of God on the earth.

My prayer for you and for those entrusted to your care is that God will show you the uniqueness of your privileges and that you will become a wise steward who brings glory to God through your understanding and administration of those privileges. I pray that this wisdom and understanding will also be imparted by you to the generation that follows you, for the Glory of God and for the extension of His Kingdom.

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