The Beloved Community

“Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common.”Acts 4:32

Are you part of a community? How would you describe your community? Does it model the beloved community in the book of Acts?

How would you like to be part of a community where, in spite of external persecution, trials, and tests, everyone is in unity, maintaining complete integrity, trust, and transparency? A community where, out of the surplus of trade, the needs of the suffering and vulnerable are met, so that no one lacks any material necessity? This type of community sounds unreal and even impossible to achieve; however, not only is it real, but it is very possible.

In fact, this type of community once existed within the original Christian community; it was how the church began. This beloved community was led by a group of compassionate and just leaders who taught their Christian brothers and sisters to always adhere to the doctrines of Scripture. It was a community that grew in spite of persecution and one that had a stable micro-economy that was able to combat any internal economic issues because it had a clear mission and vision.

So, what happened to that beloved community? How did we get so far from where we started? Unfortunately, Christians tend to have a reputation for being the poor and needy in society. Even the word “Christian” doesn’t match up with integrity anymore. Today’s Christians cheat, lie, and steal just like the rest of the world. Unity among us is a slogan, and prosperity is a catchphrase for church growth, but neither has anything to do with empowering and strengthening individuals. Stewardship is a gimmick used to increase giving within a local assembly rather than care for all that God has entrusted us. Many individuals no longer give with a pure heart, but instead do so in a pathetic attempt to manipulate God into blessing them.

As a result, Christian business has been twisted and reinvented. The harsh reality we face is that Christians would rather not do business with each other, because of perceived mediocre products and services. Also, Christian consumers expect that their beliefs will earn them free discounts and services from Christian businesses. This creates a spirit of entitlement within believers, a mentality that conditions Christians to expect everything labeled “Christian” to provide products and services that are free or at a reduced cost.

If we, the disciples of Jesus, are to fulfill the mandate of the Great Commission, we must renew our commitment to restoring that beloved community.

What is a beloved community? It is a redemptive network that unashamedly recognizes Jesus Christ as Lord. It is a community that adheres to the Bible as its governing principles and commits to establishing the Kingdom of God on a micro level. This community is so powerful and impactful that it influences the macroeconomy towards a more righteous system of government and commerce. This community is in the world but not of it. It is self-sufficient, sustainable, and profitable; a community that is uncompromising in its principles but compassionate in its approach; a community that is the envy of the world. How do we build this community? According to Scripture, there are seven key guiding principles and concepts that are essential to establishing a beloved community:

  • There is one Lord, one Savior, one King, Jesus Christ – Acts 2:36
  • The Bible is the basis for all activities with clear rules of engagement – Acts 2:42; 5:1-11
  • Leadership is called and must be held accountable – Acts 1:15-26
  • The Holy Spirit is active and alive – Acts 2:1-4
  • We are all stewards – Acts 4:32
  • Individuals and industries are profitable – Acts 4:34-37
  • We must have compassion for the needy and the lost – Acts 3

Are you part of a beloved community? Let each of us commit to joining with others to build these communities throughout the world, beginning within our own homes and churches. Imagine a network of beloved communities throughout the world that is illuminating all peoples and restoring flavor in a rotten world, to ensure that God’s redemptive purpose for all nations is accomplished.

Through our course, Biblical Entrepreneurship, we are committed not just to building kingdom businesses, but also to creating a community of kingdom business stewards who provide God-honoring services and products in a God-honoring way and are contributing to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This is our accepted role in building the beloved community. However, though we can certainly build kingdom businesses, unless they become part of a community whose purpose is to fulfill the mandate of Christ, we have failed in our mission. Join us as we attempt to build that which is impossible without Christ. Let us build the beloved community as we wait for Jesus to come. Come soon, Lord Jesus, come.

My prayer for you today is that you will commit to doing your part in building a beloved community, beginning with your home, business, and community.

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