Taking Dominion through Business

“Then God blessed them, and God said to them.  ‘Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'”Genesis 1:28

Do you understand what God meant by “dominion”?  Are you using your business to exercise your dominion in the marketplace?  What are the four stages of dominion God gives in Scripture?

It is clear in Scripture that God gave man dominion over the works of His hands.  This dominion is not just limited to Christians, but it was given to all men.  Christians however have a unique opportunity.  Based on the fact that they have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, they are able to exercise that dominion as an act of obedience to God and in a manner that glorifies Him.

What is dominion?  Dominion is a divine, legal right and power given to man over the works of God’s hands (Psalm 8:6). There are three institutions that God has ordained through which man can exercise dominion on earth.

1      Family

2.     Business

3.     Government

Business is a tool to exercise dominion in the marketplace.   Unfortunately, many kingdom entrepreneurs struggle to exercise dominion in the market place and are consequently not able to have the type of influence that God desires for them to have in society.   As Christians, we are called to be salt and light, but our influence is limited if we are not walking in dominion through our businesses.

There are four stages of growth that are essential for us to have dominion through our businesses. However, these stages cannot be accomplished if we are not walking in divine blessings.  This is why God blessed man before He instructed man to have dominion.  Divine blessing is walking in the favor of God.  It is a release of power, protection and grace from heaven to enable us to accomplish our earthly assignment.  Without it, nothing you do will be successful, nor will it bring glory and honor to God.

Here are the four stages of dominion.

1.     Be fruitful – Dominion begins with fruitfulness, which is the ability for the business to be profitable.  You will never take dominion through business if your business is not profitable, since profitability enables you to not only remain in business but also to generate the necessary resources to expand the business.

2.     Multiply – To multiply means to expand.  Once you are profitable, then you must find ways to expand the business to serve more people.  Serving more people provides you with the opportunity to increase your profitability, which enables you to generate more resources for greater impact and influence.

3.     Fill the earth – To fill the earth means to have a global vision.  Do not limit yourself only to the community where you started your business, but consider other cities, states and even countries.  Remember that as Great Commission companies you are called to “go into all the earth.”

4.     Subdue – This is the final stage of dominion, which means to conquer.  Establish your business as a clear leader in your industry or in the places where you are doing business.  Without this last phase, your influence will be short-lived and have limited impact.

There are many examples of kingdom companies that have clearly taken dominion in the marketplace, though we do not have nearly enough. Many are striving such as Chick Fil-A, Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, Timothy Plan, CMC Group, G.A. Repple and Company, Bogdahn Group, Elevation Financial Group, CFC Advisors and others.  Your business could be next.

How is your business?  What phase are you in as you seek to exercise dominion in the marketplace?  Remember that you have power, protection and grace from heaven to accomplish your earthly assignment.

My prayer for you today is that God would give you the grace to exercise dominion through your business so that you may be salt and light throughout the marketplace.

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