Faith Will Get You Through


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.”Hebrews 12:1

In conjunction with Nehemiah Week 2018, we will be featuring a series of devotional specials by Anthony E. Moore from his book One Moore Minute. We hope you enjoy this!

Are you weary of hoping for something that still hasn’t arrived? Maybe you’ve been praying and believing, but there’s no manifestation! You’re starting to wonder if you are crazy for trusting God for something that doesn’t seem like it will ever happen. When your own race gets agonizing and tough, and you don’t feel like you can keep on going, God encourages you to remember those who have gone before you.

Hebrews Chapter 11 lists ordinary men and women who won the race because of their faith. Now they’re standing at the finish line cheering you on, telling you to stay in the race because you can make it too. The next time you feel like giving up, remember Abraham. Abraham stands up and says, “You need to stay in the race because God promised me He was going to give me a son. I waited, and I waited, and I waited and saw nothing! My wife didn’t give birth until she was ninety years old. But God was faithful to His word. He’ll be faithful to you too.” The next time you feel everything in your life is going wrong, here comes Job who stands up and says, “Oh yes, you can make it! I know what you are going through. I know what it means to lose everything! Hang in there! God is faithful to restore your life.” The next time you feel you’ve been treated unfairly and you want to drop out of the race, Joseph stands up and says, “I know what it’s like to be treated unfairly. My own brothers sold me into slavery, and then I was locked up over a lie. But I went from being a prisoner to Prime Minister.”

You are never fighting your battles alone. These honorees are standing in Heaven’s Hall of Faith cheering you on. Each of these runners faced difficulty, but they kept on running! Living by faith means enduring. Living by faith means trusting that no matter what your situation looks like, God is with you in the middle of it. Living by faith means believing you can walk on top of the water, and not sink underneath it. In order to rise above your circumstances, you need faith. Faith will get you through.

Have you seen someone who had a difficult race yet kept on running? They had cancer but kept on running. They lost their job but kept on running. They lost their home but kept on running. They kept on singing, they kept on serving, and they kept on doing it by faith. They did it! You can do it too. When you really have faith, faith won’t let you stop. Faith will keep you in the race. Faith will hold you up. Faith will get you through.

Reflective Minute

Take a minute and picture God cheering you on in your race. Write down what you think He would say to you.

Meditative Minute

Isaiah 41:10
God is your help.

Prayer Minute

Father in heaven, I thank you for giving me the Word of God that I can learn from these men and women of faith. I desire to run my race with endurance. Please strengthen my ability to trust in You that I may cross my finish line in victory. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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