The Power of Unity

“And the Lord said, ‘Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them.'” Genesis 11:6

There is a little known king in the Old Testament named Nimrod. Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah, a mighty hunter, and a great leader (Genesis 10:8-12). He understood the power of unity. He knew what was possible when a people are one with a common language (Genesis 10:1-6). Through the unity of the people he was able to build a city and started building a tower so great that it would have reached the heavens.

The wonder of his work was so great that God came down to confuse their language and scatter them throughout the face of the earth.

God recognized that because they were united, nothing they proposed was going to fail (Genesis 10:7-9). Although Nimrod tapped into the power of unity and accomplished great things, he used it to make a name for himself (“to reach the heavens”). This pride grew into a great arrogance and rebellion.

In the New Testament we see another example of the power of unity, except in this case it cultivates a beautiful spirit of worship and causes the people to yield to the power and purpose of God in the earth.

The first five chapters of the book of Acts describe important events following Jesus’ ascension to Heaven. The remnant of believers (about 120 men and women, including the Apostles), gathered together in prayer and in one accord (Acts 1:12-14). When the Day of Pentecost came, their continued unity was evident. As they gathered together in one place, the Holy Spirit came down on all of them and empowered them to begin a ministry that evolved into a transformative community that has continued until today.

We are all beneficiaries of that early work of unity. 

In those early days, due to their unity, they were able to heal the sick, raise the dead, boldly preach the Gospel, and ensure that none among them suffered lack (Acts 3-4). They created the longest standing and most sustainable and transformative franchise in the world: the local church.

Imagine if your team was this united? What could you accomplish as an organization and as a team for the Glory of God?

Unity is an unbroken chain fueled by our love for Christ and an unconditional love towards one another. It is a common belief in each other, in the same mission, vision, and shared values.

The key to unity for any team or organization is to:

1. Determine a common purpose and mission – Does your team know what the purpose of the organization is? Have you clearly communicated your organization’s purpose and mission? Are key decisions made with this mission in mind? A clearly communicated purpose and mission will keep the team united in direction and focus.

2. Develop a common plan – Do you have a strategic or operational plan on which your entire team operates? Do you refer to it? Does it serve as a guide for all you do?

3. Cultivate a common language – Does your team have a common language? Many organizations use the same words, but those words do not share the same meaning because the team does not share the same worldview. Even if you use similar words, define them so that your team has a common understanding of those words. A common language will make communication clear and minimize miscommunication.

4. Be in the same place (and on the same page) – Whether your team is physically in the same location or not, are you truly a part of the same organization? Make sure your team members are still committed to the organization without conditions or reservations. At the same time, be aware that one’s physical presence does not necessarily signify commitment to the organization. Being in the same place means absolute commitment regardless of physical location.

 5. Experience shared values – Do you have clearly stated values? Do not confuse your values with your statement of faith. Your statement of faith is your personal conviction or beliefs, while your values are the elements that shape your organizational culture. Your company values must be based on your convictions; however, we do not have to share the same convictions to share the same values. Make sure they are written, with descriptions, and that everyone is committed to them.

6. Have a common belief in each other – One of the keys to unity is that we believe in each other. It is necessary that we depend on each other; yet lack of belief in one another will cause loss of confidence in each other, thereby harmfully impacting our unity. Make sure your team believes in each other enough to both stand up for and go out of the way for each other.

7. Proclaim a common vision – Is your vision clear, and does everyone buy into it? Having a clear vision that everyone buys into ensures that your team remains inspired towards the same goal.

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing – life forevermore.” (Psalm 133)

When there is unity in any organization, the Holy Spirit is present, prayers get answered, and God commands a blessing, which ultimately leads to Jesus Christ being glorified.

Unfortunately, so many teams only have two things in common: They derive their compensation from the same organization and they have a common name; nevertheless, they are not truly united. Cultivating unity within any group is not easy, but the alternative is costly and takes the fun out of business.

My prayer for you today is that God will give you the grace and wisdom to cultivate the spirit of unity within your team so that together you may accomplish His purpose for His Glory.

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