The 7 Steps to Financial Freedom

Weekly Devotional by Patrice Tsague

What are your current financial circumstances? Are you experiencing financial freedom? If not, do you have enough to realize financial freedom?

Let’s explore this topic together in today’s devotional:

“Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, ‘Go, sell the oil and pay your debt; and you and your sons live on the rest.’” – 2 Kings 4:7 (NKJV)

No matter your current financial circumstances, Scripture provides clear guidelines to achieve financial freedom. The good news is that you do not need to have a lot to start, but it is crucial that you follow these clear guidelines. These guidelines were first used by the Prophet Elisha to help a bankrupt widow and they are just as relevant today.  

In 2 Kings 4, a widow is facing bankruptcy and a creditor is about to take her children to become his slaves. Led by the Spirit of God, she goes to the Prophet Elisha to seek some help. Elisha does not give the widow any money but instead, gives her 7 steps to use her asset to become financially free:

  1. Assess your current assets – Elisha asked the widow to assess her current assets but her response demonstrated that she did not know the value of what she had; she felt that she had nothing but a jar of oil (2 Kings 4:2). Many of us suffer because we undervalue what God has placed in our hand. God used that jar of oil to set her financially free. What do you have in your hands?  
  2. Borrow to produce and not to consume – You should never borrow to consume, only to produce. Elisha instructed the widow to borrow in 2 Kings 4:3 but God instructed the Israelites not to lend money to each other because it was never His plan that we should live from debt. If you must borrow, you should only borrow to invest in a business or a project that will generate enough returns to pay back the debt and allow you to make a profit. You should never borrow to consume nor should your business become debt-dependent. Anything you borrow should be short-term. Should you lack basic necessities (food, clothing, and shelter), ask God to show you how to use your assets to generate the money or for someone to show you kindness by sowing into your life instead of you borrowing to survive. Do you borrow to produce or consume?
  3. Block out all distractions – Many times we do not accomplish our objectives because of the many distractions in our lives. Elisha instructed the widow to go into her house and shut the door behind her so that she would not be distracted by anyone or anything (2 Kings 4:3). What is distracting you? Ask God for the courage to reject it and seek first the Kingdom.
  4. Get the help of others, especially your family – Sometimes pride keeps us from asking others for help, and of course, we know what the Bible says about pride; it comes before a fall. Other times we do not ask for help because we want to shield others from experiencing the struggles that we are facing. Ask a result, you are not allowing them to learn and grow from the experience. Elisha instructed the widow to enlist her children into the business (2 Kings 4:3). Who can you enlist to help you achieve your goals at this time?
  5. Trust God for supernatural assistance – Just because you are a Christian and have a need, it does not mean that God will intervene supernaturally. Once you have obeyed God’s principles and maximized your abilities, God supernaturally comes in to assist according to your faith. Of course, there are times when even in our disobedience, God supernaturally comes in as an act of mercy; however, we should not plan around that because He said that He will have mercy on whom He chooses to have mercy. The Bible tells us that God multiplied the oil to fill every vessel that the widow borrowed. The oil increased in proportion to her faith, which was demonstrated by the number of vessels she borrowed (2 Kings 4:5-6). Can you trust God to increase what you have?  
  6. Sell for profit – Unfortunately, many people look down on selling or are afraid to sell because of how they believe others will view them. Selling is not bad. Selling is an opportunity to provide something of value to someone who needs it in exchange for something of value. Elisha instructed the widow to go to the marketplace and sell her oil for profit (2 Kings 4:7). What product or service do you have that you can sell for a profit?
  7. Pay your debts and live on the rest – The key to achieving our financial victory is repaying those we borrow from and having enough left to take care of our family. Elisha instructed the widow to pay her debt and live on the rest with her sons (2 Kings 4:7). Who must you repay? Who invested in you during your time of need?

Remember, financial freedom should never be the goal, but rather the goal is to realize the purpose of freedom which is to worship and serve the Lord.

My prayer for you is that God will give you the wisdom to assess what you have and the wisdom to use it to become financially free.  

*If you wish to read about real-life examples and go into greater depth on today’s devotional topic, simply Pre-Order the 2nd edition of our upcoming book, Nothing But A Jar Of Oil (2nd Edition): Seven Steps to Achieving Financial Victory Through Biblical Entrepreneurship by Patrice Tsague for only $9.99. Click HERE to pre-order the book NOW!

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