God’s Gift To Man

And the Lord God said, It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him a helper comparable to him. Genesis 2:18

Do you know that your wife is God’s gift to you? Do you know that it was His idea that you would not be alone? Have you valued your gift?

Among all the gifts that God has given me, I can say without reservations that the greatest gift that God has given me, other than my salvation, is my wife and my marriage. It has given me a unique competitive advantage as I strive to fulfill God’s plan for my life in the market place. She is beautiful, sexy, gentle, warm, fun and smart. She is my lifelong companion and friend. With her I have the courage to take on any challenge and overcome any defeat. She encourages me when I’m down and challenges me when I’m slacking. I celebrate with her and mourn with her. We play together, have fun together, and take on the responsibility, challenge, and excitement of raising kids together. With her, I’m never alone and never feel lacking. She keeps me humble, and she makes me feel like a king. She makes me feel special even when everyone else tells me otherwise. She believes in me. With her I believe I can do anything I set my mind on.

This should be the sentiment of every Christian man who operates a kingdom business. There is a worldly saying that behind every great man there is great woman, and there is a lot of truth to that. Today in our attempt to be politically correct we attempt to create co-leadership between the man and the woman, we treat our wives not as the special gift that God gave us but just another associate or partner. Some of us even treat our wife as we would treat another man. Marriage has become just another contract that we can choose to break when the other party does not fulfill their end of the bargain; our wives are another associate that we can choose to leave if we realize the partnership is not working out, and we live together like roommates and not like husband and wife. Some well-meaning Christians, in the midst of the stress of the marriage, even conclude that it was them who chose that mate and not God. Therefore, they can leave them for another since God is not blessing the marriage. They feel they made a mistake. We forget that God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:1) We think that statement was made back in the old days before we got so complex and sophisticated – that God did not know the women or the men of the future when He said those words. You may say that He too would leave this person you’re married to if He was married to them. Friends, though times have changed, God has not. “For I am the Lord, I do not change…” (Malachi 3:6a). What he said then is relevant now.  We are not smarter than God. Let’s remember how this began in the first place.

 It was not man’s idea that he would have a wife, it was God’s idea. After Adam was created, though he enjoyed perfect fellowship with God, God noticed that Adam was alone; there was no one like himself. See, though God and Adam had great times together, God is Spirit and Adam is physical. God wanted him to have another physical being to fellowship with. First God created animals, but these were not good enough because though they were physical beings they were not human beings like Adam. They could not help him or talk with him. (I know some of you are thinking why did he not just stop there?) But God’s idea was to remove from Adam the “she” component of his being and create her as a separate person so that he would have someone just like himself to fellowship with. God’s gift to Adam was to pull out of his rib a woman that would become a lifetime companion for him, and together they would fulfill the dominion mandate. Remember, the original man was not a male or female but was both male and female and both were given the dominion mandate. In creating Eve, all God did was remove from Adam the female part of his being so he would have a companion that was like him. To that gift Adam responded with excitement, “Woooo-man!” The gift was beautiful, sexy, elegant, curvy, gentle and smart. With her he could do things he could not do with animals or even with God. He was excited! (Genesis 2:18-25)

Yes men, your wife came out of you. She is your rib and you are her body. Marriage, then, is the joining together of a rib to its body to create the perfect reflection of the image and likeness of God. But you may say, “I chose my wife, and I was not even a Christian when I did.  How could God have brought us together?” It is mystery. As the Apostle Paul puts it, we only know in part, but a time will come when we will know everything. (I Cor 13:12) In the meanwhile, embrace your wife as the rib that God removed from you to create that lifelong companion as His gift to you that will keep you company, bring you enjoyment, and help you fulfill His plan for you in the marketplace.

My prayer for you today is that God will give you the grace to embrace the gift that He gave you in the form of your wife and allow her to share the journey with you as you together carry out God’s plan for your lives.

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