When Fear Jeapordizes Your Future

PASSAGE: EXODUS 3:1 – 4:17

“Then Moses said to God, ‘If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is Your name?’ What shall I say to them?'” – Exodus 3:13

Due to popular demand, we have decided to continue featuring the devotional specials from Anthony E. Moore’s devotional series book, One Moore Minute. We will be running this devotional special for the next 2 weeks leading up to Nehemiah Week. We hope you enjoy this!

Fear can cripple your ability to walk out God’s destiny for your life. It’s like the story Mark Twain tells about a man who died and went to heaven. When he arrived, he wanted to meet the greatest military general ever. When Peter pointed him out, the man was confused. He said, “You must be mistaken. I know that man and he wasn’t a general, but just a common laborer.” And Peter responded, “You’re right. But he would have been and could have been the greatest general in history if he had only been able to overcome his inferiority complex and stepped out in faith.”

Consider Moses – God designed him to be Israel’s liberator. But when God told Moses to return to Egypt and set Israel free, Moses was filled with fear. He threw a fistful of excuses into God’s face as to why he couldn’t do what God said that he could do: “But why me? I can’t speak well. Who will go with me? What if they don’t believe me?” Moses’ fear was jeapordizing his future.

It’s important to observe what happened to Moses’ fears. In verse 13, he says to God, “What if they ask me what Your name is – what should I say? If I don’t have an answer, I’ll be humiliated!” As you read through the book of Exodus, you will observe that not once, not anywhere, did the children of Israel ask Moses that question. Moses was tripping over something that was never going to happen! If you are filled with fear, be careful! The Devil may be causing you to ask, “What if this?” or “What if that happens?” when it’s not going to happen at all! He will infect your mind with anxiety to keep you from fulfilling God’s purpose. You may be thinking: What if I step outside of my comfort zone, if I buy the house, if I start the business, if I go back to school to pursue that degree, if I get married – and I fail? If I get egg all over my face, what will I do then? May I tell you something about having egg on your face? It washes off! Remember Peter? He had egg all over this face when he denied Christ three times after he said that would never happen. But on the day of Pentecost, when God needed a preacher, the egg had been washed off. Thousands came to the Lord after Peter’s sermon that day.

Listen, you need not fear failure when our God gives fresh starts. And He never sends you alone. You always go with “The Great I Am!” Remember, when God calls you, He is bound by His Word to help you with whatever dilemma you face. Don’t let fear jeapardize your future when God has done everything to secure it.

Reflective Minute

Take a minute and consider if fear is holding you back. What has God whispered to you, that you have stepped back from? How can you make faith-filled steps forward? Write down your commitment to rise above the fears that try to hold you down.

Meditative Minute

Isaiah 43:1
You need not fear, for you are the Lord’s.

Prayer Minute

Dear God, I do not want to live my life bound by fear. I want to fulfill all the purposes You have for me. Today I choose faith over fear. Grant me the courage I need to follow You, wherever You will lead. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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