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Social Community

Our free Social Community keeps you connected through social media and weekly inspirations. You are also able to engage with other like-minded entrepreneurs through our E-Community Life Groups while strengthening your faith through our marketplace devotionals. Network with others through our Connect Meetings and grow your knowledge through our free seminars.

E-Community Life Groups

Weekly or monthly devotional and prayer time with other entrepreneurs and marketplace leaders with a special emphasis on your experience as an entrepreneur. Get insights on how to handle day-to-day business issues based on your core values. These Life Groups use inspired devotionals published by the Nehemiah Project with relevant marketplace applications.

Free Seminars

Attend a monthly online or live topical and practical seminar that will inspire you towards your vision and provide you with insight and nuggets to build a successful kingdom company.

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Social Media

Follow us on your favorite social media platform and stay connected while getting up-to-date and timely information to inspire and help you with your business and spiritual journey.