Nehemiah Week 2021 Day 3

Nehemiah Week Day 3 Recap

Nehemiah Week 2021 Day 3 Recap

Recap The third day began with a devotion session from Pastor Anthony Moore who talked about “Living with Limited Resources”. Sometimes entrepreneurs experience a sense of lack but even so, listening to God’s voice makes us understand that even in scarcity we can move forward. God does not intend for us to not have what we need in life but sometimes that lack directs us to listen to God’s direction and allowing Him to take us to where we will not lack.

Chief Servant Patrice Tsague touched on “How to Thrive in Crisis” and stated that our mindset affects how we speak and talk to ourselves. When we are focused on listening to what God has for us, we will be able to create breakthroughs and through the right mindset directed from God, we will be able to create what we need with what we have. Dr.Shelette Steward talked about Pivoting which is the change of strategy without changing your vision. When pivoting, start with your strong points which include the kind of relationships.

Pivoting helps one pursue prosperity and not profitability. Andy Mason, another great speaker touched on “How to Find Hope in Crazy Times” stating listening to God’s voice enables us to invite hope in times of crisis. Then came Jeniffer and Tom Mears who talked about “Thriving in Serving in Love” the key takeaway being that we should look for relationships that protect our missions.

Shae Bynes concluded the speaker’s session with “Thriving in Grace over Grind”. Grace is God’s divine favor. It is only with God’s grace that we can be able to operate successfully. When we have the Grace of God, everything else is a resource. We are told to always seek God’s Grace and not idolize work too much. Take your plans and seek God’s heart for them then you will experience success even in the midst of crisis.

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